
John had 84 dollars, and his brother Fred owed 12 dollars to his friend. John gave his brother some money. Fred paid his debt and now both of them has the same amount left. How much money did John give Fred?

Accepted Solution

Answer:John have $36 and he should give $48 to his brother for both to have equal money.Step-by-step explanation:Given that,amount of money John have = $84 amount of money John's brother owed to her friend = $12$12 of the $84 is going to his brother's friend, that leaves $72 for John and his brother.If they are to finish with the same amount, then each should have half of the John's money after he paid $12So,72/2 = 36 each but since John's brother have to give 12 rupees in debt so 36+12= $48So John should have $36 and he should give $48 to his brother.